Cycle Sluts

Cycle Sluts: A bitch needs her burger and shiny shoes

  Dear Cycle Sluts, I constantly have my “socially aware” friends telling me not to…

Cycle Sluts: ‘If he’s used to 10 inches then, yes it’s cheating!’

  Dear Cycle Sluts, My boyfriend and I have been together for three months. Last…

Cycle Sluts: Stay home and use your Webcam like everybody else

  Dear Cycle Sluts, I think I’m being stalked. How can I be sure, and…

Let him go, be the Ho Ho Ho you really are

Dear Cycle Sluts, Some friends of mine just had a baby and they’re going to…

Start hooking the streets, no one’s hiring

Dear Cycle Sluts, I met this hot guy at a bar and we hung out…

Everyone wants to do a porn star, not marry him

Dear Cycle Sluts, How do you tell someone that they are obnoxious? Signed, “Has standards.”…

Booze enemas are for beginners

Dear Cycle Sluts, I was told that a booze enema can give you a good…

Ditch the bitch and make the switch

Dear Cycle Sluts, I’m a school teacher and last week at the bar I ran…

Boyfriends come and go but family wrecks your life forever

Dear Cycle Sluts, My boyfriend is relocating to Denver from Texas and I’m thinking of…

Get out there and be a dirty birdie

Dear Cycle Sluts, I just moved into a new apartment and across the hall is…