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Women are the artists and creators of life

Women are the artists and creators of life

I am a writer, not a painter.

Although I know writing is also an art form, I felt a little out of my element writing about art. I mean I love going to the museums and the art walk on Santa Fe, but what do I know about lesbian art in Denver? And is there even such a thing?

So, I decided to talk to my lesbian/bi/queer artist friends. I invited women artists in the community to rally together at a local art spot. tHERe Coffee Bar & Lounge, owned by artist Jody B., seemed a logical location to meet. After all, it acts as an art gallery too.

My mission was to get several opinions and hopefully get a better understanding of a female artist’s perspective on art.

Oh, what was I thinking?

First of all, getting women together at the same place and time was like herding cats.

Yet finally, my core group of female artists came together.

These were the players:

Mythica von Griffyn – Fresh from her role as Ring Leader for the Freak Show at the Denver County Fair and the creator of the first piece of art that brought me to tears.

Schona Van Dusseldorp – A student of art education and the creator of the first piece of art I ever commissioned; the cover art for my book.

Lindsey Kascsak – A student in the art therapy program, and soon to be creator of the first piece of art I’ve ever commissioned of myself.

Faith Englehart – Works in the marketing world and is a student studying human services. She is an artist and a seeker of joy and truth.

Jody Bouffard – Owner of tHERe Coffee Bar & Lounge as well as the creator of the first piece of art I’ve ever been a participant in.

When I first sat down with these women I realized that perhaps I had more experience with art than I thought. I got excited thinking about how I was going to learn the female artist’s process, where she finds her inspiration as well as learning how sexuality and being queer plays into all of it.

I was truly inspired by these beautiful women who shared what art means to them.

We gathered together. The air was thick with the anticipation of where this discussion would take us.

I quickly realized that it is this kind of gathering that needs to happen more often. Particularly for women who usually express themselves in their own space, not in public.

When you create something, even if you are not necessarily doing it for money, it can still be isolating if you do not have contemporaries to share your experience with. This was their chance to share with one another.

Art is for them as writing is for me, something I don’t choose but am compelled to do.

It is most definitely an experience. I attended an art show last Spring benefiting  The Vagina Monologues. Female artists had painted vaginas in all of their artistic glory. From feathers and sparkles, to shadows and piercings, and everything in-between. No two vaginas were alike. Each one was magnificent in its own way.

I’ve realized that I don’t need to have a scholastic definition of art to know what it is or how to experience it.

The artist is like a writer. She must create because it is who she is, not what she does.

As women, we have always found ways to express ourselves through our art, be it writing, painting, sculpting, clothing design, interior design. Our lives and our environment are a direct expression of who we are and our journey. The point is to find a way to use our voice in the best way we know how. We are all the artists of our lives, but sometimes that art comes from someone else and it’s just waiting to find you.

If a piece of art touches some part of you, then it doesn’t matter who you love or what sexuality you are. It only matters that you love it.

So reach out and find the art that speaks to you.

Our lives would be much grayer without it.

I always refer back to writer, zoologist and woman after my heart, Wynetka Ann Reynolds when she said, “Anyone who says you can’t see a thought simply doesn’t know art.”

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