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Youth On Record on How to Support POC Youth

Youth On Record on How to Support POC Youth


Youth On Record have begun a series of writing that highlights how people can support our Indigenous and Black youth and youth of color. The series of statements began after a request from a former student asking the organization to show their support, as YOR are a catalyst for assisting our youth.

The student stated: “YOR serves youth that are affected by systemic racism daily. As a non-profit serving the community, please go the extra mile, and show the youth you support that you care and are here for them.”

YOR is asking for those with privileged lives to value, honor, engage and defend the lives of our youth.

According to YOR, people can show they value youth of color by supporting education. You can do so by “giving your time and your resources to these neighborhood schools, and by voting to increase funding for education services that support youth of color.”

Many school’s populations reflect the injustice POC an Black youth face in society. In 2016, The Atlantic reported that within 100 of the largest U.S cities, 75 percent of Black and brown students qualified as low income students. The margin for this definition is for students that qualify for free and reduced lunch.

During this difficult and historic time, one can honor our youth by listening to their stories of fighting oppression. Listening is just the beginning of honor. Believe these narratives and holding those around you accountable when their words or actions go against that of the lives of our marginalized communities.

Engaging with the art and music our adolescents create can assist them, as well as further enhance one’s understanding of their stories.

Lastly, defend one of our most vulnerable communities. Right now, there are an abundance of resources available for you to defend our youth. Sign petitions; protest safely, and donate to organizations in support of POC, Indigenous and Black kids. 

Simply stated by YOR: “You can defend their lives by not remaining silent. Youth of color deserve more than to just survive.”

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