sex advice

Ask the Sexpert: How young is too young to for children to explore sexuality?

Dear Shanna,

I found some written porn stuff (like erotica) on my 12-year-old stepdaughter’s computer. I don’t want to demonize sex, masturbation or porn, but I feel like it was not an appropriate representation of sex, especially for somebody so young. Do you have any advice?

– Sex-Positive stepmom in Golden

Life and sex with HIV

HIV can have a significant impact on sex – for both the HIV-positive and HIV-negative alike. The possibility of transmission becomes the forefront, and for this reason that many people are afraid to get an HIV test, fearing that testing positive could doom their sex lives.

Being bi: Life in the middle of the spectrum

The ridicule comes from the old stereotype that bisexual men and women are either ultimately confused, or closeted homosexuals, afraid of making the full jump.

Ask the Sexpert: A luxuriance of lube

Dear Shanna,
Can using too much lube at one time wind up being dangerous? If so, what is the appropriate amount of lube to use?
– Slick Rick in the Hig

Ask the Sexpert: More than a friend

Dear Shanna,
I’ve been out for almost a decade now, but my girlfriend is a newly-out baby dyke and isn’t out to her family yet. I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her, but having her family think we’re “just” roommates is bothering me. What should I do?
– Out and Proud in Aurora

Ask the Sexpert: Gesundheit! Can I call you?

This might sound slightly weird, but I think that when I get horny, I tend to sneeze a lot more. Is this a thing, or am I imagining it? If it helps, I am a transgender guy, and I do take testosterone shots.

Safe spaces in Denver’s social scenes

It’s Friday night, and the moon is out, gonna head on over to…well, where does one head to when they want to be in a space that is welcoming to all aspects of the LGBTQ community? In fact, is there even a space that can combine the needs of all of the different facets? When queer folks and LGBT folk want to go out on the town, what spaces are right for what groups?

Demistyfing trans sexuality

This is the first piece of a multi-part conversation with Colorado trans* identified folks on trans sexuality – one that be similar, or very different, from other LGBTQ folks – and on what dating and relationships may look like for trans* people. In this issue we’ll be looking at the idea of trans* sexuality, and what it looks like for each of those interviewed.

Ask the Sexpert: Do nipple piercings enhance or spoil sensation?

Dear Shanna,

If someone gets their nipples pierced, does that enhance the sensation in them, or does it make them feel numb? Does it change if the barbells are vertical or horizontal?

Ask the Sexpert: Why would lesbians watch gay porn?

Dear Shanna,

Is it typical for lesbians to not be turned on by watching lesbian sex, but instead by watching gay (male) porn?
– Confused in Centennia