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November Horoscopes

November Horoscopes


Welcome to Alanna L.P.’s Uplifting Horoscopes. These are very general readings that will resonate with many but not all of you. That’s OK! Take away what makes sense, and leave what doesn’t behind. If you want a deeper understanding of what to expect this month, read your sun sign, your rising sign, and your moon sign. 

You can find what these are by going to to get a free birth chart reading.  



Deepening in a partnership will bring financial changes for the better, dear Aries. It may feel uncomfortable talking about money, but it will help you develop a strategy that will work out best for everyone in the end. 

Mantra:  It’s time to start planning for the future.


Time to make up your mind about someone, dear Taurus, because nothing stays the same. You’ll grow in love and become stronger by accepting this newfound stability. So stay home, shack up, and cuddle up. Whether you’re single or partnered, being a homebody will be good for the soul and the bank account!

Mantra: Abundance flows to me when I accept stability.


This isn’t a multifront war, dear Gemini, it’s a war within. Stop fighting procrastination, and commit to a daily routine. If you learn to stop fighting yourself, it will be a big game changer for you.

Mantra: “It’s no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy” – Lit “My Own Worst Enemy”


You’re being called to put time into what matters to you this month, dear Cancer. Feel what you want like it’s already yours, and you may find yourself waking up in that reality.

Mantra: I am manifesting my dreams into reality.


If you’ve been laying low, by the middle of the month it will be time to step out with a new perspective, dear Leo. You may find that you prefer quality, not quantity, after your short hermitage and that is OK. As long as you’re happy with yourself, that’s all that matters.

Mantra: I’m the most important person in my life.


If work is stressing you out, it’s time for a staycation. Turning down the volume can help you decide if you’re ready for a job or career change. Having intimate conversations with loved ones at home can help you gain clarity.

Mantra: “Home is where the heart is.” –  Gaius Plinius Secundus


You can be free and be successful, dear Libra. Finding a good work/play balance can help you get in touch with your passions. Do you like to sing? Dance? Workout? Embrace making happiness a habit by doing something every day that brings you joy.

Mantra: Happiness is a habit.


Happy birthday, all my November Scorpios! We love getting deep with you. This month is all about you so think BIG. You could find yourself following your passions right into the arms of a lover (birthday sex, anyone?). This person may not be “the one” but it doesn’t hurt to have a little fun.

Mantra: “You make loving fun.”    “You Make Loving Fun” Fleetwood Mac


Happy birthday, my dear November Sagittarius readers! We love how you always help us see the big picture through fun and laughter. This month you’re being called to look at how far you’ve come over the past 10 years. Compassionately and safely exploring sexual desires could help reveal hidden parts of your psyche. If you find yourself struggling with past traumas, please don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Mantra: I’m leaving behind the past I’ve outgrown.


Your workaholic habits are catching up with you this month, dear Capricorn. Rest and take care of yourself. Pick one thing to focus on instead of trying to do everything all at once. People are going to love the finished product if you give it the time it deserves. 

Mantra: “What is once well done is done forever.” – Henry David Thoreau


Your reputation may be on the line this month, dear Aquarius. It’s time to step back, take a look in the mirror, and consider if there may be some truth in what everyone is saying. If you approach self-improvement with a sense of humor, you’ll discover how to be compassionate with parts of yourself that frustrate you. Please seek professional help if you are struggling to make tough changes on your own.

Mantra: I want to change. 


Travel could broaden your horizons in your career and your romantic life. The gifts you receive through contact with many different kinds of people could put you in new leadership positions. You may have to change your daily routine but you will find great opportunity awaits if you embrace this change.

Mantra: The world is my oyster.    

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