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Let your freak flag fly!

Let your freak flag fly!

Dear Denver Cycle Sluts, 

I am an older lesbian who wants to get my rocks off just as easy as my gay boy roommate. Why is it so much easier for guys?

Signed, “Girls are from Venus, Men are from bars …”


Winnie Bego: For gay guys or your roomie? Well, he is easy and not picky.

Zoey Diddim: Because we have two heads to think with and you listen to your heart. And you have U-haul on speed dial.

Juana Mann: Older lesbian, gay boy, nuff said.

Sassy Squatch: It’s all about putting yourself out there, with the emphasis on “put” and “out!” Easy doesn’t have to mean you’re sleazy!

Eden Cox: Because all men are pigs! Why worry about things like love and long term when you can have it without moving in together in a week!

Diane Tolickya: It might just be because of that strong fishy smell that wafts around you. Try fixing that first.

Rolonda Flor: Because women are too worried about what sex means.  Just be a dirty birdie and let your freak flag fly!

Freeda Fondle: Have you tried sitting on the washer when it’s on the spin cycle? Or buying a new power tool?

Bea Dazzle: Bois are easy, and with their mouths full no need to discuss feelings.

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