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Going Beyond Surface Definitions

Going Beyond Surface Definitions

It’s not unusual that certain words are misunderstood, misused, or unclear. We hear, see, or read so much in our lives without the assurance that the appropriate meanings are conveyed. Even if we think there’s a firm grasp on the actual definition, there may be some disconnection about the implications when expressing these ideas and how they can impact and influence our lives. Don’t just claim to live your life by these beliefs, actually do it. It may be harder than you think. 

Authenticity is more than just doing what you want to do when you feel like doing it. It is about living your life in the ways that support the person you want to be. Many times our first instincts or desires may not be the best choices to build a fulfilling life. Choosing to live a more authentic life can be quite challenging, especially due to two main activities that take significant time and effort. You first need to identify what you feel is the best path for you to pursue at this particular time. Our goals and priorities may shift throughout our lives, but it is important to figure out what aspects of ourselves truly make us proud and motivated to get up daily and attack the world. The second challenge is maintaining the focus to work on changing long-standing ways of thinking and acting. Identifying yourself as a “perpetual asshole” because that is “just who I am” is not an accurate statement, nor does it help you become successful. It’s a cop-out that keeps you from working on gaining skills helpful in gaining strong support in your life with good friends. Beliefs and actions like these are hurtful to your own life and others around you. Be careful to also evaluate if you are doing things to gain popularity, status, or success.

[quote]Our actions risk becoming self-centered and entitled when we become cocky or think we deserve something. Be cautious of allowing feelings that we are owed anything to creep into our lives.[/quote]

Gratitude happens on a basic level when we’re feeling thankful for certain things, but it’s more than simply thinking about ways you’ve been successful or fortunate. It can be about something small that might not appear significant to others, or profound, like discovering our passions, motivations, fears, or hopes for the future. We could make a new friend or get through an extremely challenging day. Our actions risk becoming self-centered and entitled when we become cocky or think we deserve something. Be cautious of allowing feelings that we are owed anything to creep into our lives. We can be thankful for things in our lives and continue to strive to gain other aspects that have not yet been gained.

Mindfulness reminds us to remain aware of our internal thoughts and feelings while taking in all of the sensory information around us. It can aid us in identifying aspects in our lives that strengthen us, while offering hope to develop perseverance into changing those patterns, beliefs, and experiences that reinforce negativity. Beyond just experiencing something, you may need to actually pay attention as you walk along this path. It may be cliché, but most times we benefit more from the process of going on a journey to gain something than simply rushing quickly to the finish line. Be aware when we are talking crap to each other or ourselves. Perfection is not the goal, but work to be as strong and successful as possible.

Most of us want to be seen as enlightened people with integrity and a caring heart. More than anything else, it’s so important to realize our actions speak louder than anything else. It takes more than simply shouting ideas into the universe to make them accurate or realistic. Think about how many of us have been smacked upside the head by hatred perpetuated from “good” people, or not lived up to our expectations of ourselves. Take the time and effort to think about implications from using terms like these. If you want to describe yourself like that, live up to those expectations while making your life and the world around you a healthier and happier place.

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