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Best Friend Breakup Blues with Bunny Blake

Best Friend Breakup Blues with Bunny Blake

Bunny Blake

We all know breakups suck. In no matter what form a relationship ends, there is always a bit of grief and sadness. However, one thing that isn’t often explored, but is as brutal as parting ways with a partner, is the best friend breakup. Denver-based musician Bunny Blake is taking us on a journey of bestie heartbreak with her new single, “Small World.”

In an exclusive preview, OUT FRONT are featuring the music video for “Small World” before the worldwide release of the paired visual component set for Friday, August 21. The new release is a fun throwback to those days as kids when we loved to hate our BFFs.

COVID-19 can’t keep Blake away from creativity, as she continues to put out new music and provide the world with a much-needed reprieve from the world around us. While we are all doing some internal reflecting on what life was like before corona, this track comes at the perfect time to pair with that exploration of love, relationships, and life.

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“I think this song will ring true, especially for women,” says Blake. “Writing it was closure for all those middle school heartbreaks that can stay with you for life—not just the romantic ones.”

The track is another perfect example of how Blake uniquely blends pop, R&B, and even some techno into her music, all while diving deep into the tumultuous and emotional rollercoaster of lies, deception, and rumors. The intricacies of her melodies are a perfect pairing for the complex subject matter at hand.

“Small World” was written during a 1 a.m. creative session with co-writers Kelly Rutledge and Taneisha Jackson, as she saw the signature of a friend on the autograph-covered walls of the recording studio.

Starting with the lyric, “It’s a small, small world, getting smaller everyday/ People talk, talk, talk, so be careful what you say,” Blake imagined all the different directions this concept could go.

Thinking about how we all live these performative lives, always on display due to social media, she wrote “Small World” as an anthem to the fact that nothing is every truly safe when it comes to talking sh*t.

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“It’s scary to think the internet has a record of every cringy thing you’ve ever said or done,” Blake mentions. “We’ve all learned something about someone that we perhaps never wanted to know because of social media—both close friends and celebrities.”

Check out the exclusive preview of the brand-new music video for “Small World,” and you can find out more about Bunny Blake at her website and all socials.

A GEEK MYTHOLOGY (quarantine) PRODUCTION shot, directed, and edited by Katelyn and Ben Simkins.

Starring Bunny Blake as “babysitter,” Theia Simkins as “Trouble #1,” and Brooke Hall as “Trouble #2.”

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