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OFC Columnist Chef Ty’s vision of love: cooking with Medicinal Marijuana

OFC Columnist Chef Ty’s vision of love: cooking with Medicinal Marijuana

As we kick off the month of love, OFC columnist and Vision of Love founder Chef Ty talks about her involvement with the MMJ industry, her delicious MMJ edibles, and what her own “Vision of Love” is all about.

What is your Vision of Love?
Love comes from different things, but my love comes from deep within. I put my heart and soul into everything that I do. I believe that the energy you give something is love. Without it we have no joy.

What do you love about the edibles industry?
I feel joy when I see what my products can do to help make a patient feel better, having real relief from their pain.

Why did you choose the MMJ industry?
I saw the need for great edibles – ones that tasted good, looked good, that could help the patients. I knew I could provide that. The first testimonial made me cry – when the patient said that “for the first time in eight years” they slept through the night with no pain! That was when I knew I had made a difference. A Vision of Love was born.

What were the challenges in starting  up your edibles company?
It has been very challenging. The continuously changing laws, the intensive background investigation, the thousands of dollars have all made it very difficult to stay motivated to stay in business. Many people have lost their life savings, and some have just lost the will to keep fighting. I am hopeful everyday that the Department of Revenue will give my company the OK to keep going. If not, the patients would suffer.

When you’re baking, where do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from everywhere! I feel joy when I see patients’ faces light up from my beautiful pies, breads and brownies. I look inward to find what my heart calls me to do. Being in pain is no joke, and if I can help a patient get relief, then my inspiration is realized.
What keeps you motivated when there are so many obstacles to overcome in the medical marijuana industry?
I think that would be my focus on education, activism and perseverance. I’ve been motivated by the many people that surround me, like the patients and the activists that give so much of themselves for the cause. How can I stop when there is so much pain out there? There is such a need for education. I have seen the good that can come from this, and it is important to keep reminding people to get their own answers – knowledge is power!

As a pastry chef, do you have any favorites of your own?
That’s a hard one, because I just love the smell and feel of baked goods, but if I had to pinpoint something, I would say the breads are my favorite and, of course, my very own Chocolate Walnut Pie.

What is the biggest problem you face as a member of the MMJ industry?
The misinformation regarding the threat MMJ poses to society. People are continually being told that it is to protect our children. However, at every turn we are faced with alcohol being promoted at events that children attend. I have even seen liquor stores across the street from schools. No one seems to notice this. This goes back to being educated. Let’s have an honest, open discussion about what “danger” cannabis really poses to our children and society.

What changes would you like to see happen in the MMJ industry?
I can’t express this enough, but to educate yourself is the only way that change is going to happen. I would like to see the government stop prosecuting people for the growing of plants that have been here long before any of us knew their amazing healing properties. I would like to see that “We the People” make our own choices of how we medicate ourselves – for all of us not to feel forced to indulge in the pharmaceutical companies’ propaganda. To have a choice – isn’t it my right?
Why would someone choose your edibles products over the competition?
The presentation and all the love that go into my products. I have been told repeatedly how wonderful they taste! It’s always better when they are made from heart and soul. Love makes everything taste better. Just remember when your grandmother made cookies for you. It always put a smile on your face, and the memory of the smell. That’s what’s in my edibles – love!

If there is one thing you would like Out Front Colorado readers to know about you, what would that be?
I would like all of the readers to know if they were to see me on the street, they should feel comfortable enough to approach me. Ask me questions about the MMJ industry. And for them to know that, yes, they can make a difference in the 2012 election to completely legalize.

Chef Ty and the team at Vision of Love would like give a big shout-out to 420 Wellness, Herbal Remedies, Grass Roots Organica, Greenwerks and The Tea Pot, who carry our products. Fresh items are delivered every week.

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