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Alaskan Same-sex Marriage Ban Struck Down by Federal Judge

Alaskan Same-sex Marriage Ban Struck Down by Federal Judge

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess struck down Alaska’s same-sex marriage ban after finding it violates the 14th Amendment of the constitution.

While the same-sex marriage ban was passed by the majority of voters, Judge Burgess pointed out the constitution exists for the fundamental protections of all people, especially minorities. “While homosexuality and the union of same-sex couples through marriage may be against the beliefs or beyond the moral parameters of some Americans, the core purpose of the 14th Amendment is to protect and individual’s freedom,” he said.

Same-sex marriage license applications have already begun in the state. There is a three-day waiting period between applications and ceremonies.

The state of Alaska plans to appeal the ruling, but that appeal would go to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled in favor of marriage equality in Idaho and Nevada earlier this month.

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