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A Conference on Femme Confidence

A Conference on Femme Confidence

Female confidence all over the world is deteriorating, decreasing in such a dramatic way never seen before. For any and every woman who comes across this, I have few questions for you.

Do you ever find yourself overanalyzing every part of your face and body in the mirror? Paying attention to each minuscule detail while internally comparing it to the “perfect,”  luminous, glasslike skin and bodies that look like they were crafted to be in magazines? Do you ever sit and have a critical conversation with yourself about where the lack of confidence and all these fictional flaws you’ve attached to yourself stem from? Most of us use social media for one reason or another, and its effects can be detrimental on our mindset and perception of ourselves and the world. 

The girl that you’re comparing yourself to whom you think has “perfect” skin could have a filter on; the Instagram model who’s body you think is so unattainable might have gone through multiple editing apps to make it look so “perfect.” Even if not, the beauty standards put onto women are absolutely absurd, and most of them require high-end products and/or surgical procedures to “achieve.”

The lifestyles promoted by celebrities and beauty influencers are all that: promotional! These companies and influencers are feeding off of our insecurities, making us strive harder and harder everyday for egotistic validation about our looks. The effects these standards have for women make it harder for us to confidently express our talents, intellect, and creativity.

Now we aren’t simply behind the scenes, we have the ability to be on the front end of our movements, projects, businesses, and every other endeavor we pursue. That’s why more than ever, it’s important we move and stand in our ideas with confidence. 

This is why why the  confidence conference is being held as a way to encourage and support all women who attend. It will be taking place for three days, featuring 30 speakers, and over 300 women will be attending. This conference is an amazing way to gain engagement, feel empowered, build connections, network, and be inspired to know and believe you’re capable of everything you engage in.

The Confidence Conference of 2024 will take place July 26, 27, and 28 and will be hosted at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, 4900 S. Syracuse Street in Denver I encourage all you wonderful women to go and get empowered and empower our women of today. You can register now on The Confidence Conference website.  

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