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NSFW: Lesbian Bed Death Delivers Devilish New Video

NSFW: Lesbian Bed Death Delivers Devilish New Video


If you’re looking for something to excite you this Monday, look no further. The UK gothic punk/ hard rock band Lesbian Bed Death have released a brand-new music video and it is sure to get you feeling steamy for something more than your morning latte.

The music video for the latest single by Lesbian Bed Death, “Flesh,” is pure sex, horror, satanism, fetish, and vampires, all the elements which the band is known for.  Flesh is the second original single from Lesbian Bed Death’s current album, Born To Die On VHS, which was released in 2019.

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Founded by guitarist Mr. Peach, this foursome of rockers pays homage to traditional gothic punk, glam, metal, and sleaze in the most immaculate way. Going too far is never far enough when it comes to marrying the campy-ness of horror and the bending of religion and sexuality. Lesbian Bed Death have earned the NSFW label and are owning it.

The making of the video of “Flesh” almost didn’t happen as the band suffered a significant cut in income as COVID caused all live concerts and tours to cancel. However, they were determined to not let Coronavirus ruin their creative plans and asked fans to contribute via a private fundraiser to help fund the music video. The results were overwhelming and the band was able to shoot the video and keep bringing new fans to their music.

For more information about Lesbian Bed Death and upcoming announcements of new music, follow the band on their website and social media pages.

Now, enjoy “Flesh.”

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