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The path to spiritual freedom lies within

The path to spiritual freedom lies within

I love the joy and excess of the PrideFest Parade. The outward expressions of unity, joy and bacchanalian fun are something to behold. There’s sense of empowerment ignited by the sheer number of people gathered for this celebration of diversity – the energy is extraordinary.

This was my second Pride. I ride in a convertible with a group of teens I teach metaphysical philosophy to on Sundays. They have a ball there, and I’m never unaware of the importance they participate in the feast of inclusivity. It’s an experience missing in my upbringing, even as we children of the ’60s and ’70s had our own journey during the Civil Rights and women’s liberation movements.

I arrive at a place in my life in which everything has a spiritual undertone; acutely aware of the spiritual importance of my connection to the gay community and how blessed I feel to assist teens in embracing their brothers and sisters. But I’m also acutely aware that when Pride is over, there’s a great deal of pain in this community that too often remains unaddressed.

During my training as a Spiritual Counselor one of my fellow trainees spoke about growing up a lesbian and feeling condemned to hell “because of who I am.” Her emotions touched me – that night was the beginning of our close friendship. I have watched her move through traumatic situations over the past seven years and have offered my support wherever possible. What always impressed me is her ability to reach into what I call her “spiritual toolbox” to fortify her resiliency. She knows to rely on me and other well-trained friends and colleagues, knowing that none of us are is in this alone, and that true strength is asking for assistance when it is needed. But additionally, she has been taught and mastered techniques that work for her personally to transcend the vicissitudes of life.

There are no cookie-cutter approaches. My experience with clients is that a strong spiritual foundation is at the core of our ability to deal with life’s ups and downs while maintaining our balance, and avoiding the overwhelm that seems to be a new descriptor of our collective experience. All too often, what passes for a spiritual foundation is a strict religious dogma that, when called upon for support, offers only a one-size-fits-all solution that neither soothes, nor empowers the longing to move forward.

At the core of each and every one of us is that essence I refer to as Spirit. It goes by many names, all descriptive of an over-arching creative intelligence that animates the Universe. Even those who do not believe in a higher power must admit to a nature that animates us all. It is not the intellect or the physical body – it is that force we can feel and know as the Source of life itself. There are those who embrace a daily meditative practice who know that we can, and do, communicate with that source at will. That communication becomes the building blocks of our spiritual foundation and the creation of our toolbox.

The story of the human experience has many chapters concerning our attempts to self-medicate pain. We all carry pain rooted in childhood memories of lack, limitation and not-enoughness. Perhaps our greatest pain is feelings of unworthiness we have been dragging around for a lifetime. All who are perceived as “different” grew up with a sense of being “the other,” never good enough or condemned. Unprepared to deal with these feelings at a deep spiritual level, we turn to alcohol, drugs, cutting, food, sex – you name it, we’ve used it to self-medicate.

My message today is that it is never too late to stop telling the same old story. Start telling one from the perspective of who I am becoming rather than who I have been. Take this moment to ask yourself, “What is the next most magnificent vision of me that I can embrace right now?” It will not include substance abuse or personal abuse.

I invite you to seek out that trained person who might guide you to the spiritual path. None of the answers or comfort you seek is to be found outside of you. The spiritual path leads within, and that, my friends, is where you will find who you truly came here to be.

Ken Ludwig serves as a Balanced Lifestyle Coach, Spiritual Counselor and Intuitive Guide. His work spans with his passions involving self-destructive behaviors and  addictions to spiritual purpose. Online  or email

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