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New Chief of Staff is Not an Ally

New Chief of Staff is Not an Ally

We wish it came as a surprise that Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s new chief of staff, has supported anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans legislation in the past. Unfortunately, it doesn’t.

According to New Now NextMulvaney, who is now officially the acting chief of staff, is known for actively opposing marriage equality and bills that advance trans rights. He has previously been in support of a bill in South Carolina that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, a bill that protects anti-queer marriage speech as free speech, and a bill that would allow religious exemption from anti-discrimination laws.

He also signed a letter that asked congress to include “language protecting traditional marriage” in the National Defense Authorization Act and urged the Obama administration to change their minds about protecting trans students.

It’s clear that we can’t count on Mulvaney to be an ally, but that isn’t really news coming from the Trump administration. We can only hope that the newly elected folks in 2019 will work to change the tides.

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