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LGBTQ Cubans Defy Erasure

LGBTQ Cubans Defy Erasure

Last week, OUT FRONT reported that queer Cubans were being forced back into the closet, as the one-party government had cancelled their annual conga, or Pride, celebration. Yet, that did not keep more than 100 activists and protestors from taking to the streets with marching, chanting, flags, and voices flying high.

The group rallied at Havana’s Central Park and walked down to the seafront boulevard before being told to disperse by officials. NBC News stated that at least three activists were arrested by the officers, while others were ordered to leave due to the activity not having an official permit.

Many felt that the cancellation of what would have been the 12th annual Havana conga was due to tensions within the country over Evangelical religious practices becoming more prominent. With further debate over the delayed passing of same-gender marriage in the country, LGBTQ individuals refuse to be silenced.

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