
Stuff Gay People Like: Human projects

Everyone who lives in the U.S. since Glee first aired knows there are two kinds…

Stuff Gay People Like: Astrology

Straight men who struggle with dating will sometimes say they wish they were gay. They…

Stuff Gay People Like: Being Shirtless

If a straight man suddenly strips off his shirt in public, it means he wants…

Stuff Gay People Like: The new guy

Gay men come from all backgrounds; some are raised by pothead hippies, others grow up…

Stuff Gay People Like: Fancy Groceries

Somewhere between a health freak and a trainwreck is the ordinary person, following a rule…

Stuff Gay People Like: Theater

Acting is a matter of survival for gay teenagers. Since the first time he closed…

Stuff Gay People Like: Sexting

If you ask youth group leaders and high school guidance counselors, a crisis is rocking…

Stuff Gay People Like: Gaybles

Angelo lives in the middle of the gayborhood. His gaybors, Anders and Lionel, are a…

Stuff Gay People Like: Apologizing about the state of their apartments

Your first visit to your gay friend’s home can tell any story. You might learn…

Stuff Gay People Like: Architecture

Instead of boring plains, gay people like to live where there are things above and around them, wrapping the view-plane like a cozy hug. That means hilly places, like California, or forested places, like Massachusetts. But what gay men like most of all is living under 30-story buildings – which make up the least flat landscape you can think of – in a city wrapped in hills, under a cover of permanent clouds and fog, in a region blanketed by hundreds of miles of breathtakingly tall redwood trees