men’s issues

Straight men from Mars, women from Venus, gay men from…

Why are gay men and straight men so different? Sure, we are attracted to opposite sexes. But the differences run so much deeper than the person we want to sleep with.

Creating community is a do-it-yourself project

I felt oddly alone waiting for the HIV community forum to start. This would be my first public gathering since my diagnosis. Prior to finding out about my status, I hadn’t realized that people didn’t talk much about stuff like this, so I longed for a new sense of community to ease the process. Yet I couldn’t quite figure out why, in a room full of positive people, I still struggled to connect.

When mischief backfires

Siblings can seem like a blessing or a curse. Growing up with two older sisters, I had both. I idolized them, and while not always understanding gender, wanted to be like them. I reveled in the times when they would paint my nails or let me play with their dolls. But sometimes I loathed them for mocking or playing tricks on me.

10 ways to increase your chances of connecting

This time of year signifies the end of 2011 and all of our hopes for…

The three best bleeding albums of 2011

The phrase “Bleed Like Me” can sometimes make people cringe. Yet we all bleed –…

10 ways to destroy an intimate encounter

We have all been disappointed when we finally get to the point of getting it…

Embracing the toxic

Shortly after my HIV diagnosis, I joined a friend to see the movie The Invasion…

Aging and the big three-Oh

In my early 20s I thought I knew everything. By the time I hit 25,…