Jasmine Peters

Parenting: Letting my children grow up

As LGBT parents we need to help our children understand that it took a man…

Parenting: Grieving the Connecticut school shooting

Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Anxiety. When is this going to stop? Should I go get my children now or let them stay? What do tell them? All these emotions and questions chased my thoughts as I learned news of the tragedy in Connecticut. Then a call came thorough on my cell phone from the kids’ school district alerting parents that there is heightened security at all schools in response to the incident in Connecticut.

Reviving a child’s self-esteem

As I prepare to send my little ones back to school, I grab my handy-dandy checklist to make sure they have everything they need to make it through the school year. From school supplies to clothes to backpacks to self-esteem.

Loving my child whose father died of AIDS

I never thought that our last words would be an argument over who our beautiful daughter looked more like.

He was charming. He was handsome. He was a minister. He was perfect to co-create with. We both agreed that we wanted children. Best of all, he didn’t have a problem with me being gay.

Single and Looking: Local lesbians and gays on love and dating

I’m looking for a man who truly gets me, as well as respects my choices in how I live my life.

Successful parenting means finding balance

Birthday parties. Cleaning up owies. Going to parent-teacher conferences. The giggles and laugher. The tears and hurt feelings. Fixing the bike and throwing the ball. Oh, the joys and the stresses of parenthood.