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Queering Mental Health: Letter from the Editor

Queering Mental Health: Letter from the Editor


Letter from the Editor,

There’s a motivational meme going around right now that reads “access to queer healthcare saved my life,” and this important message is more than just a viral trend. It’s a reminder that so many of us would be in danger without supportive healthcare providers in the queer community. 

Every May, we partner with our wonderful friends and colleagues at Envision:You to create an issue dedicated to the importance of mental healthcare. This year, we bring you folks who are innovating the emotional healthcare sector, providing support for those who need it. 

And this partnership is more important than ever before. This time in our queer history is a pivotal point in our story and legacy. LGBTQ+ rights are being supported and fought for on a larger scale than ever, with rates of queer-identifying folks in the media and the workplace skyrotting. But all that is also bringing out a massive influx of hate against the queer community, which puts our mental health and wellbeing even more at risk. 

But all is not lost—Mental health professionals like the ones in these pages are dedicating their lives to provide care to those in need. Read all about the inspirational stories of mental health professionals who have gone above and beyond, or discover the care you personally need in our queering mental health listing. However you dedicate time to your mental health, remember that you are loved and valued, and help is out there if you reach out to your community. 

-Addison Herron-Wheeler 

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