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Pet stories: Charlie and Beya

Pet stories: Charlie and Beya

Charlie and Beya were adopted at the Max Fund no-kill shelter in Denver. Owners Travis Leiker and David Proper live with Charlie and Beya in the Cheesman Park neighborhood. 

Charlie is a two-year-old Bichon Frise’ and Cocker Spaniel mix.  His nicknames include Poopas, Doggus, and after a bath (when he feels clean and fancy), C. Doggus Puppington III. He has food allergies, which means he is on a very strict diet consisting of only duck and potatoes. He goes to doggy daycare twice a week, where he is quite the B.M.O.C. (Big Man on Campus). Even though he is only 18 pounds, his favorite activity is engaging in “group chase” or “romping and rolling” with his best friends – a burmese mountain dog, a labradoodle, and any other larger furry friends.  Whether it’s his friends (both human or otherwise) at Cheesman Park, his classmates at daycare, or anyone he meets – everyone loves this little, sweet, lovable guy.
BEYA is a high maintenance, 4-year-old Shih Tzu.  When her younger brother is at daycare, Beya enjoys her time alone at home, where she lounges regularly on the loveseat. Beya’s nicknames include Princess, Pretty Girl, or Beya-Boo. Her favorite activities include, sleeping, playing with her squeaky babies, and pawing at her daddies when it’s time to wake up in the morning (Usually between 4:50 a.m. and 5 am. – everyday). She is nothing but consistent.She enjoys meeting small dogs, but when she meets a larger dog, Beya has one, major Napoleon complex: tiny dog equals a LARGE bark.

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