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A Few Ways the ‘Gay Thing’ Really is Working Out

A Few Ways the ‘Gay Thing’ Really is Working Out

Yesterday Megyn Kelly premiered her show Megyn Kelly Today with an attitude that was oddly reminiscent of Regina George’s mom in Mean Girls. The only difference? She traded in the pink tracksuits for a pink blouse.


According to New Now Next, while trying to be more relatable to her guests from the hit TV show Will and Grace, she came off as one Twitter user said, “every mom trying waaaaay to hard to ‘relate’ to her gay son but instead just makes it waaaaay worse.” The episode was tragic, but to make things worse Kelly ended the segment with an abominable quip about the  “the gay thing” really working out. So Megyn Kelly, here are a few ways the ‘gay thing’ really is working out:

  1. Same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. Not sure if Megyn was asleep for all of 2015, but that happened.
  2. In terms of same-sex marriage, 64% of Americans say they are in full support.
  3. During the Emmy Awards the queer community won big, despite the current political atmosphere. Check out some of the queer winners here. 
  4. Media is embracing the queer community through more inclusive themes, characters, and plot lines. For example, Black Mirror’s episode “San Junipero” tells the tear-jerking tale of queer women falling in love across space and time.
  5. Universities nationwide are creating more welcoming environments by advocating for campus Pride centers and safe spaces. University of Tennessee’s chancellor just pledged to reinvest in the school’s Pride center despite threats from fund reallocation from the state’s Senators.
  6. Businesses are instating anti-discrimination regulations. Currently 86 percent of Fortune 500 companies currently “prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.” That’s right Megyn, we work it.
  7. As of 2016, over 10 million adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ, as opposed to only 1.75 million in 2012. 10 million is over triple the number of viewers (2.9 million) Megyn Kelly Today had in its premier.


So yeah Megyn, we’d say it’s working out just fine.

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