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OFM Astrology: March 2022 Horoscopes

OFM Astrology: March 2022 Horoscopes

Welcome to Alanna L.P.’s Uplifting Horoscopes. These are very general readings that will resonate with many but not all of you. That’s OK! Take away what makes sense, and leave what doesn’t behind. If you want a deeper understanding of what to expect this month, read your sun sign, your rising sign, and your moon sign. 

You can find what these are by going to to get a free birth chart reading.


Dearest Aries, this month, you are being called to eliminate fears through making new connections. Now is the time to revolutionize your life. Get involved in your community, and seek out spirituality. If you’re looking for love, this could lead you to a relationship based on comradery. The meaning you seek lies in acts of compassion. 

Mantra: When I win, everyone wins.


Embrace freedom and follow your dreams. If you do, you’ll turn heads so fast you’ll give people whiplash! You’ve got something to say, and everyone wants to hear it, so be large and in charge. You’ll attract many lively, energetic people that will make success inevitable. Let your friends introduce you to the right people. 

Mantra: My dreams are coming true.


It’s time to embrace your passions and quench that insatiable thirst for life you’ve been feeling. Go forth with fire and ferociousness, and you’ll go far. If the humdrum of life is getting to you, dear Gemini, it’s time to shape your career plans around the new and improved version of you. Your new image is sure to get you the attention you deserve and bring many new, pleasant surprises. Act with honor and integrity, and justice will rule in your favor.

Mantra: March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.


You’ve grown in wisdom and understanding, dear Cancer, and now it’s time for big life changes. If you YOLO, you’ll grow. For those of you in love, resist the urge to push your partner away if you feel nervous about how close you’re getting. This is the time for a new lesson about being vulnerable in love. For those in serious relationships, if you’re thinking about marriage, now is the time to pop the question. Seeds that are planted now will certainly grow by summer’s end. 

Mantra: “A loving heart is the truest wisdom.” – Charles Dickens


You may feel like running a marathon right now, Leo. This is because in all areas of your life, you are being called to invest in the future. Your love life may be fun and playful, but if you’re in a committed relationship, your ferocious sexual appetite may make your partner(s) jealous. Make sure to talk things out with everyone openly and honestly. Keep a finger on the pulse of your partner(s)’ feelings with your intuition to gauge when you need to speak up. Unexpected financial blessings are on the way, but this could lead to even more conflict. Again, be smart and look ahead.

Mantra: I choose my battles wisely.


It’s your time to shine, Virgo. You’ll be on overdrive. Everything will revolve around your work, even romance, so go get that money! If you want to win, get in the gym. It will pay off . Let your words influence others in the name of peace. Feel the light/dark, balance, and the approach of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This will unlock new ways of thinking and feeling that will reshape your life. 

Mantra: Forgiveness helps maintain equilibrium.


Things may be tough, but there are countless reasons to smile. This may be a time when you’re called to heal childhood traumas. Surrender to the healing process and find strength. It will lighten the load so just go with the flow. This is a time to be cheerful and fun. If you do this, you’ll attract the one. Keep your finances tidy and your money tight. It’s a hard fight, but you’re gonna get it right. Take care of yourself and remember to love YOU, sweet Libra. Your worth is worth so much more than gold. 

Mantra: “Money can’t buy me love.” –The Beatles


Ask yourself the big “whys” this month, Scorpio. This is all about you and only you. Make yourself at home; get focused, and get organized! It’s a sign of strength to let yourself be vulnerable with your family and friends. You’re emotionally intelligent enough to know that the advantages of opening up outweigh your fears. This isn’t a time to begin deep, romantic relationships, so keep it light and fun.

Mantra: Laughter is the best medicine.



You might start thinking about money in new and beneficial ways this month, Sagittarius. In fact, your whole value system may be changing. But be careful with your words when speaking your truth. Expect lots of guests this month, so take time to show off your home improvements. This is also the time to set boundaries with those who take advantage of your hospitality. If you feel exhausted by the constant traffic, make sure to enjoy some downtime. 

Mantra: A strong mind builds a strong foundation. 


Between good budgeting and generous gifts, you’re comfy and cozy. People will come to you asking you to teach them about something you know a thing or two about. Let your gifts inspire others. Connections made through feelings, words, and ideas will be auspicious. Those looking for romance may find love if they go for someone who is not their type. 

Mantra: “You might just make it after all.” –“Mary Tyler Moore Theme Song” by Sonny Curtis


Time to be your own best friend, Aquarius. The heat is on and friendly competition is going to satisfy what you crave. Continue to be kind to yourself, and recognize that giving your best is always worth it. You may receive an influx of gifts or cash that will make a big difference. Believe you are worthy, and receive with gratitude. Any disruptions in your home life at this time will teach you what you need to know to avoid this kind of situation again. 

Mantra: “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.” —Zen Shin


This is a time to have new adventures, meet new people and enjoy life! Enjoy your freedom and connect with those who inspire you. New experiences may change what you’re focusing on in life. If you’re out to take a lover, trust they won’t kiss and tell. 

Mantra: The world is my oyster.


Alanna L.P. is the owner of Magdalena Tarot, an occult lifestyle brand. She is known best for her internationally renowned predictions based on tarot, numerology, and astrology. She was also the resident psychic for Witch Way Magazine from fall, 2015-fall 2016 and interned with Biddy Tarot. If you enjoy her horoscopes, check out Magdalena Tarot Magazine on Amazon. She lives in Denver, Colorado




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