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How To Use the Stars to Embrace Your Pride

How To Use the Stars to Embrace Your Pride

Aries:  The answers are within. The solution for you this month is to let your inner child come out and play! Allow yourself some more time to connect and socialize with other people. You are empowered to take back control of your relationship life. Celebrate the romance at hand.

Taurus:  Follow your bliss. You are being nudged and encouraged to go in the direction you are being nudged! The solution for you this month is to try a different and new approach to conversating, especially on the subject of your livelihood. You’ll be most pleased.

Gemini:  You are being empowered to do something fresh and bold with your identity! If you’ve felt restricted in some way, a release is coming. The solution for you this month is to take your first step, pushing the fear of risk aside. You will be well-received and feel revived.

Cancer:  It will do you credit to be extra mindful. You are being encouraged to be more of an observer in June. The solution for you is to surrender all inhibitions and allow your surroundings to reflect your soul’s desire back to you. You have a guardian angel at your side!

Leo:  Your energy and light radiates healing, and others want to be around you because of it. The solution for you this month is to show off and share your uniqueness, but do not feel guilty if you need a break from the crowd. Follow your own rhythm! Accept the hand wanting to befriend.

Virgo:  A voyage of the heart is taking place. The solution for you in June is to approach things with more tenderness and a more diplomatic attitude.  Whomever you are feeling attracted to, you are being beckoned to invest your time with them. Honor and celebrate each other’s unique gifts!

June 3– New moon in Gemini

June 17 – Full moon in Sagittarius

June 21 – Sun enters Cancer. Summer solstice. Neptune retrograde.

Happy birthday Geminis and Cancers!

Libra:  Many of you are being nudged to begin a new phase. The solution for you this month is to gain a broader perspective and apply some of your work discipline to your daily life. It will benefit you going forward! Embrace the boatloads of information coming your way! Learn from it.

Scorpio:  Know who your real supporters are. Which relationships are really helping you to grow? The solution for you in Pride month is to tend to things with patience while staying poised. Whatever or whomever you touch with love will shower you with great blessings!

Sagittarius:  Simplify whatever part of your life that feels overbearing.  The solution for you in June is to accept the return on an investment that is coming and to view things more rationally. You are being invited to travel and explore. By doing this, you’ll gain more direction!

Capricorn:  Trust that there’s a divine plan. Are you feeling like some of your relationships have deserted you? The solution for you this month is to stand tall in your truth, even if it pushes some people away. Your feelings are valid. It’s important to surrender what was and embrace what will be.

Aquarius:  You are being called to ascend to a whole new level, even if its unknown territory! The solution for you in June is to keep pressing forward, even if you feel like you are going in blind. The universe wants to teach you something bigger. Have faith in synchronicity!

Pisces:  Not all who wander are lost! The gypsy lifestyle is showing up. The solution for you this month is to be more carefree in the present and to freely express your feelings! A welcome conversation comes when you’re in a free state of mind. Don’t worry about reaching an end; just enjoy the journey.

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