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HRC President Alphonso David Under Fire for Sexual Harassment Ties

HRC President Alphonso David Under Fire for Sexual Harassment Ties

President of the LGBTQ organization Human Rights Campaign Alphonso David is under fire for getting wrapped up in a sexual harassment and assault case. He allegedly had leaked confidential information including private details about one of the women who’ve accused the governor of New York. High-ranking lesbian Attorney General from Michigan Dana Nessel declared she’ll be refusing any future donations and campaign support from HRC until their president steps down.

Twitter user Gay Lumberjack quoted Alphonso David’s, tweet that says “After reading the AG’s devastating report that concluded Governor Cuomo engaged in a pattern of sexual harassment, in violation of both federal and state law, he should resign.” 

Gay Lumberjack tweeted in response: “This man was just caught having leaked private dirt to the media about one of Cuomo’s accusers to delegitimize her claims. Any gay man or lesbian still associated with @HRC should reevaluate ASAP. Bullies for profit. That’s all they are.”

Nessel then took to Twitter to address her stance on said allegations quoting the tweet from Gay Lumberjack that directly conveyed the situation. She stated “I will not be accepting any campaign donations or support from @HRC unless and until there is a new president of this organization,” 

Major democrats—including President Joe Biden, Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer—are calling for the resignation of Governor Cuomo. Letitia James, the Attorney General in the State of New York, recently reported findings from an independent investigation on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The investigation reported the accusations from the 11 brave women that have been sexually harassed or assaulted by Cuomo. James report also claims the harassment of these women by Cuomo likely had violated federal and state laws. 

The report further includes that HRC President Alphonso David played a key role in Cuomo’s campaign to discredit the women accusing Cuomo of these inappropriate acts. Before David took his position as president of HRC, he was a lawyer for years at Lambda Legal, an LGBTQ organization. After that he worked for the then-Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, he later worked in the governor’s cabinet.

Jame’s report also states that David kept a personal file on former advisor of Cuomo, Lindsey Boylan. Boylan had previously accused Governor Cuomo of attempting to forcibly kiss her. This wasn’t the only incident on other occasions Cuomo commented on her looks, even comparing her to a previous ex-girlfriend, and made comments about wanting to play strip poker with her. 

David claims the report doesn’t highlight that he engaged in any wrongdoing and has no intentions to resign from his position. The HRC foundation including the board of directors released a statement saying they “have full confidence in Alphonso David as president of the organization” and they even extended his contract five more years adding that, “For the last two years he has been boldly leading the organization as it works to achieve its mission: full equality for all LGBTQ people, in the midst of a global pandemic, a nationwide reckoning on racial justice, and the most important presidential election of our lifetimes.”

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