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Phylicia Mitchell: Another Trans Woman Murdered

Phylicia Mitchell: Another Trans Woman Murdered

Phylicia Mitchell passed away on February 23 from a lethal gunshot. She is the fifth known trans person murdered in the U.S. this year.

According to New Now Nextshe was 46, and was shot in front of her home in Cleveland at around 6 p.m. Police rushed her to the hospital, but she was pronounced dead upon arrival. Her death is currently under investigation, and no arrests have been made.

Just last Wednesday, she was posting on Facebook about how grateful she was to be alive.

Mitchell was a hairstylist, and her partner Shane Mitchell claims that she was involved with drugs and got “mixed up with the wrong people.” However, no official details about her death have been confirmed.

“That’s my soul mate,” Shane stated, according to New Now Next. “We went together everywhere. We did everything together. We always held hands on the bus. Years ago people didn’t respect that, but they do now. I want justice for what’s happened, because it hurts.”

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