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Dog Days of Summer Safety

Dog Days of Summer Safety

By Meg Rees

We Coloradans love sharing our favorite summer activities with our pets — whether that means spending time outdoors, traveling, or simply relaxing at home. With the dog days approaching, here are a few tips and reminders to make sure our pets are as happy and relaxed all summer as we plan to be.


We all love to have our dogs with us when the sun is shining, but this time of year you should never, ever leave your co-pilot in the car. Not even in the shade. Not even if the windows are down. Not even for five minutes. Cars heat up fast, and heatstroke can be fatal to your pet.

We’re gonna need to see some ID.

Make sure your pets (cats included!) are wearing collars and ID tags with your contact information. If you haven’t updated their microchip registration in a while, now’s a good time to make sure their info is current. Warmer weather means more open doors and windows, and escapes can happen to even the most responsible pet owners.


Street smarts.

When the temperature is high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Sensitive paw pads can burn easily. It’s also best to walk your dog in the early morning or evening instead of the middle of the day when it’s hottest. This is especially important for dogs with short snouts, such as pugs, that can’t pant as efficiently in humid weather due to their narrowed nostrils and windpipes.


Party animal.

Summer is a great time for hosting parties and cookouts with friends and family. Be sure and keep BBQ supplies like charcoal, matches, and lighter fluid out of reach of pets at the party. Discourage guests from feeding Fido people-food — it can cause stomachaches (or worse). Keep some dog treats on hand as an alternative.


Fear less.

‘Tis the season for thunderstorms and fireworks, and there’s a reason that July 5 is the busiest day of the year at animal shelters. The anxiety and terror some pets associate with booming sounds can result in injuries sustained while FiFi is in fight-or-flight mode.


Travel bug.

Do your homework before setting out on a summer trip — confirm lodging that accepts pets, and research dog-friendly parks and destinations. If you’re planning to fly with your pet, check your airline’s policies well in advance, and talk with your veterinarian about any specific health requirements or vaccinations.

Swim safely.

Before taking your sidekick on the water, make sure she can swim (not all dogs can). If you’re swimming for the first time with your dog, start in shallow water and work your way up. Never throw your dog into the water. You can also purchase a lifejacket for your dog at most pet supply stores.

Bee alert.

Many pets love to chase bees and other bugs — until they catch one. Watch for symptoms of an allergic reaction, and contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any facial swelling, vomiting, difficulty breathing, or collapse. Mild clinical signs can progress
if untreated.


Know their limits.

Take care when hiking or running with your dog, especially on hot days. Exercise produces heat, and when a dog can’t eliminate that heat efficiently, their internal body temperature rises rapidly. They don’t always know when to stop, and the time between having fun and having a heatstroke can be very short.


Water, water everywhere.

Seems like a no brainer, but make sure your pet stays hydrated by keeping plenty of water available at all times. Make sure your pets stay cool out there in the hot Colorado sun!l

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