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Axe Switches Gears with New LGBTQ-Positive Ad

Axe Switches Gears with New LGBTQ-Positive Ad

Axe body spray has practically become a one-liner because of how much its ad campaigns target helping straight, white bros score babes. But a recent Axe ad campaign in majorly shaking up that image and challenging how men view masculinity.

According to New on Next, the body spray is focusing on a new message, “Is It OK For Guys?” The campaign is based on the idea that 72% of men have been given some kind of advice about how a “real man” should behave. It’s a part of their Find Your Magic initiative, which is meant to be LGBTQ-inclusive.

The ad asks questions that weigh on the male brain, including whether or not it is OK for men to wear pink, not like sports, or experiment with other men. It culminates in the ultimate male question, “Is it OK for guys to be themselves?”

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