
Surviving the Pornado

Currently, one of the most hotly contested issues in psychology is the debate over the possible…

HEINZESIGHT: Where is the Pride in Being Gay?

Hey, Brent. In this season of many cities having gay pride festivals and parades, I’m…

The Butch & the Butterfly

Even though the LGBT community has made great strides in the name of progress, there…

Oh, For the Love of Lipstick

I was three years old when I got my first tiara. It stayed on my head…

To Be With Her or To Be Her?

This age-old question has been echoing in the minds of femme lesbians, trans women, femme…

Femme Fatalities: Revisiting “Effeminophobia”

I wrote an essay entitled Effeminophobia and the Gay Community at a time when my own…

Dismantling White Privilege: Indigenous Erasure

Though history classes teach historical events pertinent to white supremacist treatment of indigenous peoples of…

Dismantling White Privilege: Age of Discovery

In order for the systems of racism to be dismantled, the responsibility lies upon the…

Why the queer community needs to stand with Black Lives Matter

Five cops were killed on Thursday night at a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas, Texas by snipers who…

Gorillas In The Midst: Animated musical feature film exhibits astounding racial deafness

Animated features depicting animals with human traits are hugely popular. SING, due to be released…