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Cannabis is Legal Here

Cannabis is Legal Here

(Don’t screw it up!)

This year’s PrideFest in Denver will be rife with great activities. Though marijuana has been legal in Colorado since 2012, there are still some pretty specific rules to follow. The most forgotten, misunderstood, and disregarded rule is that it is STILL ILLEGAL to smoke pot in public. There are a few ways to keep yourself out of trouble if you want a little green in your rainbow-filled festivities.

Do make sure you are 21+ before you partake in any way with recreational marijuana. It’s illegal to consume, grow, purchase, or possess recreational marijuana if you’re under 21.

Don’t be the older friend who provides for your underage buddies. You’ll all be in trouble, and as the provider, you’ll be in even more if you get caught distributing to minors.

Do leave your marijuana at home if you don’t have the child-proof bag provided by a dispensary, and remember: While pot has been legalized for recreational use, the general rule of thumb is to keep it at home unless the venue specifically allows for marijuana consumption. (You still want to keep it in that special bag.) If the venue doesn’t allow smoking, toke at home.


Don’t be the driver. Pot affects people in different ways, and if you get pulled over while under the influence, you will face DUI charges. If you are found with five nanograms of active THC in your blood at the time of the offense, you can be charged with a DUI. No fun, so get your non-smoking friend to do the driving.

Do find 420-friendly events to attend so you can enjoy with a bit more freedom. Colorado has year-round, pot-friendly hotel accommodations and tours. If you must get down with pot away from home, make a staycation of it with an approved business.

Do consider edibles. They are scent free and much more discreet. However, while the law isn’t as concretely stated on other forms of pot or non-smoking methods of consumptions, if you’re caught in possession of any form, in an open container in public, you can face the same charges.

Don’t overdo it with edibles — or any cannabis for that matter. You’re trying to have a good time, not catching ZZZZs at the festival. If you have a sucker or a chocolate bar, don’t eat the entire thing in one gulp. Have a bite, and wait. Edible concentrates can vary and your own personal metabolism can affect how quickly you will be impacted by consumption.

Do visit your local dispensaries during Pride! There will be some excellent deals and local dispensaries that you should absolutely take advantage of. If you don’t know where to go, there will be flyers and vendors giving out information at the festivals.

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