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Stephanie Byers Wins Kansas Primary

Stephanie Byers Wins Kansas Primary

On August 4, the LGBTQ Victory Fund endorsed candidate Stephanie Byers, who won her primary for a Kansas state House seat and is currently on track to make history by becoming the first out, trans person ever elected to public office in Kansas. Byers was running unopposed in the primary, and her Democratic-leaning district makes her the favorite to win the general election in November.

“Stephanie has shattered a long-standing political barrier in Kansas and is poised to join a small but growing number of out, trans state legislators across the country. At a time when trans people are targeted with hateful policies and legislation by the Trump administration and in so many state legislatures, Stephanie’s race is a powerful reminder of where our country is headed. Stephanie’s victory, like every victory for a trans candidate, will inspire more trans leaders to run for office in their communities and that will be transformative,” says Mayor Annise Parker, president and CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund.

Only four publicly out, trans people have ever been elected to serve in state legislatures. Currently, all four still hold their seats. Virginia Delegate Danica Roem became the first out, trans person to win and serve in a state legislature when she was elected in 2017. Currently, there are just 26 publicly out, trans people serving at any level of government in the United States.

Only two openly LGBTQ people have ever been elected to the Kansas state legislature—Representatives Susan Ruiz and Brandon Woodard. Right now, there are just 11 openly LGBTQ elected officials in the entire state of Kansas.

More information about the Victory Fund and its candidates is available on its website. Since 1991, Victory Fund has helped thousands of openly LGBTQ candidates win local, state, and federal elections. LGBTQ Victory Fund works to change the face and voice of America’s politics and achieve equality for LGBTQ Americans by increasing the number of openly LGBTQ elected officials at all levels of government.

Photo courtesy of Facebook 

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