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BK’s Ch’King Proceeds Will Be Donated for Pride Month

BK’s Ch’King Proceeds Will Be Donated for Pride Month


Hypothetical shots have been fired—Burger King’s throwing major shade at Chick-fil-A by launching their own fried chicken sandwich and donating to an LGBTQ cause for Pride Month. BK added they’ll donate, “even on Sundays,” poking at the Christian chicken restaurant who’s closed on Sundays. The Ch’King has similar resemblance to Chick-fil-A’s signature sandwich, described as a “hand-breaded chicken filet, pickles, and a signature sauce served on a potato bun.”

Chick-fil-A and their co-owner Dan Cathy religiously come under fire because of their involvement in donations to anti-LGBTQ causes. The Daily Beast called these actions “the most sophisticated dark money operations” in the U.S. to inevitably keep the LGBTQ Equality Act from passing. These actions also push state legislatures to pass hateful, anti-trans legislations, and they file lawsuits that immensely expand religious exemptions when dealing with the anti-discrimination laws. 

Three days after the article was published by The Daily Beast, Burger King sent the subtweet. 

Saying “The #ChKing says LGBTQ+ rights! During Pride month (even on Sundays) your chicken sandwich craving can do good! we are making a donation to @HRC for every Ch’King sold.” adding “6/3-6/30 with every Ch’King sold, BK will contribute 40 cents to the Human Rights Campaign (Max. donation $250k)”


In the past, Cathy claimed they wanted to promote “the biblical definition of the family unit.,” adding the company was “guilty as charged” when caught donating to anti-LGBTQ organizations that focus on conversion therapy and who oppose marriage equality. Chick-fil-A received well deserved backlash from these statements and said they would no longer be funding such organizations with  “political agendas.” However, the company was caught in 2019 for once again donating to anti-LGBTQ hate groups after promising to stop. 

The Cathys are allegedly a part of the 15th wealthiest family dynasty in the U.S. and have a net worth estimated to be more than $8 billion from selling the Christian chicken sandwiches. While there haven’t been any recent reports uncovered of new Chick-fil-A Foundation donations, a report highlighting Cathy’s personal donation records earlier this month showed he made donations to the National Christian Charitable Foundation (NCF). This group is believed to be the cause of various anti-trans bills that have been introduced over the last several years. NCF has also previously donated to the anti-LGBTQ organizations Heritage Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

Although Burger King came in hot, they’re playing innocent on the alleged attack on Chick-fil-A 

BK representatives said in a statement “This is a community we love dearly and have proudly supported over the years, so we couldn’t miss an opportunity to take action and help shine a light on the important conversation happening,”

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