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A Deviant Dance Off

A Deviant Dance Off

Prepare for a night of dance, fashion, and fetish, all with oh-so-appropriate Aqua Net helmet hair styles and totally bitchin’ lewks. It’s 80s night at The Triangle, Friday, April 26, and this is rumored to the be the biggest night of throwback music, dancing, and performances of the year.  

Hosted by Deviant, Colorado’s largest alternative monthly dance party, the night is guaranteed to take you on a tubular trip down memory lane. Connect with community, dress up in your favorite pop culture icon, cartoon character, and musicians from the 80s in a space that is welcoming for all LGBTQ identifying folks.

Take a chill pill, because costumes are not required! They are highly encouraged, however, and the best and most creative ensembles will win tickets to see Combichrist with Silver Snakes on May 7. 

Get ready for a deviantly rad and righteous night with the baddest performances from the  DJ Slave1, GSTV, and Ru Entertainment as well as a spread of local artists who will be vending their freshest and funkiest alternative creations.


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