My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding

MORE THAN A STORY OF love for family and gay rights, My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding, directed by Richard H. Pegg, is a timely “culture-shifting show that opens the hearts and minds of everyone who sees it,” as producer Diane Gilboa puts it. I’d have to agree. Written by Canadian husband-and-wife team, David Hein and Irene Sankoff, the show is the current ‘dark horse’ of musical theater, mark my words.

Wedding tells the story of lead character Claire’s messy divorce and how she leaves her hometown of Lincoln, NE and heads to Ottawa, Canada to make a new life. Claire (Victoria Knight-Allen) initially becomes roommates with cat-lover Michelle, played by the talented Elizabeth Brooks, who in real life has certainly been told she’s Jane Lynch’s doppelganger.

With intertwined narration by Hein’s character David (played by local favorite Drew Hirschboeck), we’re taken on a heart-felt exploration that leaves the audience laughing, crying, and cheering for more. This song-and-dance show has many stand-out performances and musical numbers that are true crowd pleasers. Choreographer Reace Daniel makes the intimate Soiled Dove stage seem Broadway-sized with his entertaining dance numbers, and costume designer Ann Piano brightens up the stage with her colorful and pride-worthy costume design.

Wedding is actually the true story of David Hein’s mother and their life’s journey with one another. Claire, a lost soul wrestling with her identity, finds a new job in Ottawa, which brings new opportunities and a chance to truly find herself — albeit in a porta-potty. With a little help from matchmaker Michelle, Claire soon falls in love with Jane (Leslie Randle), a feisty redheaded Wiccan. Eventually, Claire finds the courage to come out to David her teenage son (Corson Lewarne), her ex-husband Garth (Ed Hickok), and her homophobic Jewish mother.

The show is chock-full of great musical numbers with stellar performances from keyboardist Trent Hines, bassist Harry Olsson, drummer John Olsson, and the ensemble cast: Corson Lewarne, Kristen Poole, Ed Hickok, Lilli Hokama, and Christopher Wells. Some of the musical highlights for me were the songs: Ottawa, My Friend Jane, Double Date, Romance 101, and the touching ballad, Nebraska.

My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding truly is a must-see and is now playing in Lowry Town Center’s Soiled Dove through November 8.

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