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9 Must-know Fitness Tips to Score your Best Body

9 Must-know Fitness Tips to Score your Best Body

weight loss

Almost 90 percent of men and women are unhappy about their bodies because they are overweight, skinny, or lack a great body shape. And a lot of them turn to cosmetic treatments and fat-removal surgeries to improve their appearance. However, one thing they don’t realize is the best way to score the best body is to practice natural health and fitness tips.

Here are some tips to get started.

Choose multiple exercises

A lot of people who look to lose weight are usually comfortable doing just one exercise, mostly jogging or running. A couple months later, they realize they haven’t gotten the best results. What they don’t realize is one exercise is inefficient against multiple exercises. If they’d combined running with minor weights and stretching exercises, they’d have gotten 20 to 30 percent better results.

The multiple exercise routine applies even to professionals. That’s exactly why we see bodybuilders doing four different workouts for the same muscle area. It not only delivers better results but also helps in their overall development. In a study conducted by the University of Florida, it was found that changing workout routines once every couple of weeks results in more enjoyment, motivation, and superior results.

Exercise Every Day

A lot of fitness experts recommend doing workouts six days a week and using the remaining day to relax your body. This applies for professional bodybuilders whose focus is only on muscle development. For people like us, daily exercise is a must. Any form of physical activity (walking, jogging, running, swimming, skipping, etc.) that gets your heartbeat up for about 20–30 minutes is highly recommended if you wish to maintain the best health and fitness level.

Lift Weights

It’s very common for amateurs like us to ignore weightlifting for fear of gaining more muscles and looking like the next Hulk. But, actually weights are not meant just for gaining body mass. They help develop lean muscle too. If you practice with smaller weights, you will develop strong bones and joints and great body shape. Have you noticed how sexy the fitness models you see in the gym-equipment commercials are? Less weight and fewer reps are their secret sauce. Consider circuit-style weight training if you wish to improve your stamina and develop fat-free muscles while boosting your heart rate.

Do Not Skip your Recovery Meal

Many people think having a meal after workout will bring back the calories and easily ruin the effect of a 60-minute workout. Here’s the truth: Post-workout meals do not cause weight gain; they help your body recover after exercising. After a rigorous training session, your body will lose all its stored energy and your muscle fibers will weaken. It’s important to refuel your body and supply your exhausted muscles with the required protein for quick recovery. However, keep in mind that your post-workout meal/drink should not be calorific in nature. Go for protein shakes or raw vegetables to supply your body with the required amount of energy and nutrients.

[quote]Changing workout routines once every couple of weeks results in more enjoyment, motivation, and superior results.[/quote]

Water Kills More Than Just Thirst

We all know that water has zero calories. What many of us don’t know is that water consumes energy from our body to get into the bloodstream. Hydration is very important for people who work out regularly and even for those who do not. Water boosts the body’s metabolism rate and promotes fat loss. It also improves the physical performance by keeping dryness away.

Insufficient supply of water results in dehydration, poor muscle development, poor endurance, tiredness, and muscle cramping. If you run three miles, you lose about one liter of water in the form of sweat, so it’s important you consume water during workout breaks.

Stay Focused

If you’re training your chest muscles and thinking about yesterday’s football match, you won’t get the best results. Make sure to focus on your workout areas. This will help you avoid injuries, improve your efficiency, and keep you motivated.

Apart from focusing on the workout areas, you should also stay focused on your short-term goals. Prepare a daily and weekly workout schedule and stick to it. Don’t think too much about long-term goals! Take things one step at a time for better results. Have a reasonable schedule and stick to it.

Go Outdoors

A study conducted by National Institutes of Health discovered that people who exercise outdoors are likely to burn 7 percent more calories than those who work out indoors. If you’re able to burn 270 calories during a 30-minute run indoors, the same activity when done outdoors at the same pace will help you burn 300 calories.

Freshen Your Breath and Your Muscles

Have you tried peppermint before workouts? According to a Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition report, men who consumed two cups of water with one drop of peppermint oil ran more on the treadmill than those that didn’t. It’s revealed that peppermint freshens the breath, boosts oxygen to the brain, and improves stamina.

Learn the Ropes

A lot of people focus on running and weightlifting but skip one thing: ropes. But actually a jump rope is one of the must-do exercises for everyone. Even professional boxers jump ropes in every training session. Ropes are inexpensive and easy to carry anywhere. You’ll be surprised that in about 20 minutes of jumping, you will be able to burn off 200 calories. That’s awesome for tiny fitness equipment, right?

Cathy is a fitness expert at She writes regularly on topics revolving around exercise and diet and helps educate readers on the best ways to improve their health and looks naturally.

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